Trinity Camino
a six-week walking pilgrimage in place
Taking inspiration from The Episcopal Church in Colorado, we are pleased to offer a flexible pilgrimage that people of all fitness levels can engage with wherever they are. While Caminos and pilgrimages usually mean leaving home for a time, the Trinity Camino is a pilgrimage in place. It will be a journey through the sacred spaces where we live, work, and worship. This pilgrimage begins and ends at your front door. Those who join the Trinity Camino are invited to discover walking as prayer and the sacredness of our bodies and the world around us.
Walking PLans for the six-week pilgrimage
Please find PDFs for each mile plan below.
A prayer for as you prepare to walk
the Journey Blessing
Bless to me, O God.
The earth beneath my foot,
Bless to me, O God,
The path whereon I go;
Bless to me, O God,
The thing of my desire;
Thou Evermore of evermore,
Bless Thou to me my rest.
Bless to me the thing
Whereon is set my mind
Suggestions for Pilgrimage Preparation
Begin or reaffirm a daily prayer practice.
Increase your movement. Take tiny small incremental steps to move more. And please do consult a physician before beginning any exercise program.
Try moving on purpose. Pay attention to each small movement in your feet as you walk. How do your hands feel as you move? What sounds do you hear? What can you visually notice that you don’t normally see?
Bless to me the thing
Whereon is set my love;
Bless to me the thing
Whereon is set my hope;
O thou King of kings;
Bless Thou to me mine eye!
– Carmina Gadelica, Hymns and Incantations collected by Alexander Carmichael (Floris Books 2006)