Trinity Vestry & Officers
Marianne (Mo) Jones
(she/hers), Sr. Warden
Chris Martin (he/him),
Junior Warden
Taylor Warner - Clerk
Jerry Wright - Treasurer
Vestry Class of 2026: Greg Cotton, Jeremy Manternach, Chris Martin, and Taylor Warner
Vestry Class of 2027: Laura Christensen, Marianne (Mo) Jones, John Loomis, and Donna Prime
Vestry Class of 2028: Rozelia Ayala, Jeffrey Capps, Micheal Casto, and William Furlong
Trinity Clergy
Father Jim began his work as Trinity’s Interim Rector on September 1, 2023.
The Rev. Nora B.C. Boerner (she/hers)
On sabbatical until August 2025
A native of Minnesota, Mother Nora has served at Trinity for many years, but is currently on sabbatical until August 1, 2025 when she will begin a new call as Trinity’s Rector. She holds a B.A. from St. Olaf College, and an M.Div. from Church Divinity School of the Pacific. Mother Nora, her spouse, Jeff, and their four children reside in Iowa City.
Trinity Staff
Mindee joined the Trinity staff in August 2014. She holds a B.B.A. in accounting from the University of Iowa. She previously worked as an auditor in a public accounting firm. She has three children and works remotely.
Jean came to Iowa City in 2005 and was confirmed at Trinity in 2008. She has a master's degree in organ performance from Indiana University and a Ph.D. in music theory from Northwestern University. In addition to her work at Trinity, she directs Iowa City's Family Folk Machine, an intergenerational choir.
Ryan supports the ministries of Trinity in the office, in intergenerational formation, and in facility management. Ryan is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church with a multitude of church experiences. He holds a B.S. in Geological Sciences from the University of Idaho, and a M.Div. from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.