Service Participation

All are welcome at Trinity! When you arrive, someone will greet you and give you the bulletin and all the materials you need to fully participate in worship. Please make yourself comfortable in the church and sit wherever you like. If the customs and worship of The Episcopal Church are new to you, let the congregation carry you along in the liturgy, and know that we welcome your conversation and questions.

Episcopalians are comfortable with a wide variety of physical expressions of devotion and adoration during worship.  You may see people bowing, making the sign of the cross, kneeling and standing throughout the service.  You are free to participate in ways that you are comfortable.  If you are not comfortable or able to kneel at the times indicated in the bulletin, please stand.  If you are not able to stand, please remain seated.

Liturgical Ministers

Liturgical ministers are those members who have been trained to assist the priest during the service. There are the various duties assigned to lay (non-clergy) members of the congregation such as, reader, chalice bearer, acolyte. If you are interested in volunteering in one of these areas, please talk with one of our priests.


All baptized Christians are invited to receive Holy Communion. You may receive both the bread and the wine, or for illness or other reason, just one of them.  Gluten-free bread is also consecrated.  When the priest comes to you with bread, you may say “gluten-free.” If you prefer not to receive Holy Communion you may still come forward and receive a blessing from the priest.  Simply cross your arms as the priest approaches you.  You may also remain in your seat.

Children in Worship

Children of all ages are welcome at all services. By virtue of their Baptism, children are part of the Body of Christ and welcome at Trinity. Please feel free to sit with your children in our children’s space at the front of the church. As children observe and participate in worship, they are welcome to use the provided soft toys and quiet activities. At the appointed time, children of all ages are invited to the front of the church to witness the Mystery of the Eucharist.

Children's Chapel

At the 10:00 am service we offer Children’s Chapel for all who wish like to attend. Those who attend follow the leader out after the Gospel lesson, and return to the nave at the Peace.

Children and Communion

As full members of our congregation, all baptized children are welcome to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. If you prefer that your children not receive Holy Communion, they may still come forward and receive a blessing. They should cross their arms to show that they would like a blessing in place of Holy Communion.


We offer nursery care for infants and children through age four. The nursery provides for the care and nurture during Sunday morning activities and other special times. The nursery is open each Sunday during the 10:00 am service, or at other designated times for special services.


Zoocharist is a family-centered worship service for everyone! A storyteller tells a children’s gospel story with the children gathered around at the front of the altar, the youth choir sings, and everyone comes up to the altar and stands in a circle to pass the bread and the cup around. After we worship, we share a provided meal and enjoy fellowship. All are welcome!

Zoocharist typically meets the second Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm, September through May.