Welcome to Synthesis!
If you have stumbled onto this curriculum, it might be because you found yourself in a similar place to us, in need of something that spoke to teenagers who had become disenchanted with flashy videos and were hungry for something that taught them a bit more about what it meant to be Christians and Episcopalians.
The lesson plans are for you, the teacher, to give you some background that you might not know, so that you can lead a discussion with your class. Our intention was not to write plans for students to see but instead to provide helpful background and some ideas for teachers to have as they entered the classroom.
We received a grant from the Alleluia Fund of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, which helped us revise our notes into these lesson plans and which let us record the videos you’ll find here.
Synthesis Year 5 Introduction
Synthesis Year 5 Eucharist
Synthesis Year 5 Baptism